Effective Notifications: Our Secret Weapon to Bring Users Back!
Quick Overview
The "Farmer's App" aimed to be a digital solution for farmers, offering crop guidance, pest/disease management, and agricultural input recommendations. However, we identified a critical need to deliver timely and localized updates on emerging crop issues, enabling farmers to take proactive measures and minimize potential losses.
user experience designer
My Role
Product & Business Growth
This is How Research Helped Improve Crop Notifications
Problem - 1
Demand for Real-Time, Location-Specific Crop
Problem - 2
Farmers desired a reliable, location-specific notification for real-time crop advisories tailored to their specific crops and growing conditions.
Problems Faced by Farmers Due to Lack of Timely Updates
Pest/Disease Solutions
Applying the 'Hooked' Model to Develop Habit-Forming Products
To design an effective notification system, we drew inspiration from Nir Eyal's "Hooked" model, which outlines the key components of building habit-forming products:
Notification Design
We designed a notification system that enhances user engagement through real-time alerts while also supporting the company's long-term goals. This system effectively balances user needs and business objectives, ensuring mutual benefit and sustained growth.
01. Geo-fencing
Leveraging location data, we could deliver notifications specific to a farmer's geographic region, ensuring relevance.
Weather Alerts
Pest/Disease Alerts
02. Crop Mapping
By mapping farmers' crop profiles, we could tailor notifications to their specific crop types and growth stages.
Pest/Disease Alerts
03. Promotions & Updateds
This system not only addresses immediate agricultural concerns but also promotes overall app usability and commercial opportunities, driving sustained growth and user satisfaction.
App Feature Promotions
Implementation and Testing
We conducted multiple rounds of usability testing and A/B experiments to refine the notification system's design and content strategy.
Key iterations included:
# 1
Using local terms and visuals to help users understand and recognize content better.
# 2
Using local terms and visuals helps farmers better understand problems. This approach enhances clarity and relevance. As a result, more users are likely to engage with notifications.
Impact and Feedback
Within the first three months of launching the localized notification system, we observed
Enhanced yield marketing.
Next Project
Streamlining Agri-Input Sales: 30% Engagement Hike and 20% Revenue Boost